Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Hey, I gots tagged!!

Yeha! I forgot, Wilna tagged me, so i have to tell you 5 things you would never see on my blog otherwise, so here goes..
1. I have an extremely high threshold for pain. Now i know some of you think that is a bonus, it is not, because of it i am able to pull out my toenails and live through the pain afterwards.. BAD habit.
2. I love bathstuff for gifts. I love the smell, the texture, the promise it holds of relaxation. Even if i don't get to relax every time I have a bath, the promise is still there. I am not crazy about bath salt and those litte oilball thingies. Love soaps and fizzyballs..
3. My greatest desire (up until 2 years ago, when my best friend moved to Canada, now visiting her is my greatest desire) is to go to Disney Land!! At 33 it is still a dream. to feel like a real kid again.. Love it
4. I wanted to be a opera singer. Yes, I did! Still do! Not really much i can say about that one, your either gonna understand and love it or not understand and think I'm a loon..
5. I am rather addicted to people! I love talking and helping them, i like them at all ages and in any walk of life. I would much rather talk and find out stuff about people than do just about anything else.
So, I'm full of stuff, got a few more, but your only obligated to read the first 5..
6. I am nervouse to speak in front of people. Yes, you don't beleive it, but it is true. I almost always have some or other stomach problem if i have to talk to a crowd..
7. I don't eat stew!! makes me think of the hostel and we never knew what went in there.
8. I love CSI!! Love it. and Survivor! Love that one 2.

Ok, i think i'm done, if any other weird stuff about me pop up, i'll let you know..

That was fun..


me..... said...

Hi there my friend. Now we are both up and blogging again. I wish I knew who you knew..... Maybe I also have nice blog then. Or maybe I get there by trial and error eventually

Unknown said...

so, you like your blog so far??? hee-hee. i am so glad you are blogging again.
love you