Wednesday, February 28, 2007

i'm a BEADER

No, read it again, not breader, i'm not pregnant.. i started beading.. relax Wilna, scrapbooking still the best... let me tell you how it began

well, i've been missing the creative outflow in my life, and have been looking for some way to fill the gap. yes, i can scrap, but my time has become seriously limited.. three kids, married to a really big and demanding kid, ministry, social life, school, stuff.. anyway, i never felt comfortable sitting in my scrapbook room while we have visiters, so i always wait till everyone has gone home and then i start. usually it only starts at 12.. now i just grab some string and in the conversation i can bead. i still scrap, nothing will ever be able to grasp the heartbeat of my family and my life, as journaling on a beautiful piece of paper.. but i now get to make myself and my friends the most exsquist jewelery. i'm having so much fun. also Tamar thinks they look like sweets and desperatly try to get all the containers opened, so that she can eat everything. even my husband loves it.. he just sees business oppertunities.. you know shawn,, money to be made in every thing.

anyway, just wanted to keep my word and blog more. got to go sleep now, got to get up at 5:30 for the day to begin again.. so cherio my lovelies..

Thursday, February 22, 2007

long time, i know, but it hadding been Tamar's one year birthday on Wednesday, i thought i'd hop in and post some picks..

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

some more revelation

looks like the only thing that gets me to actually sit down and blog is devine revelation..
i was having coffee with a friend a few days ago and she told me something, that i probably have heard befor, but never fully grasped.. so, just for incase you also never knew, or misgrasped, i'll share it with you
first, what do you understand under the word 'iniquities', i always got that it was our weaknesses, not as much choosen and active sin. so here is as she tells the tale. Iniquity, is sin that you are genetically inclined to.. your mother, grandmother and aunt are bossy, so, so are you.. it is sin, that lives inside of you, that pulls at you. so, the Word says that the devil attacs, and when he is thrown out, he leaves, BUT, to return at a more opertune time.. when is that, well, when your down and out and sad, and depressed. then he attacks. but let's just say that you are still strong enough to resist. then he takes that temptation, attack, flaw, to your children. Wow, here is the punchline. we should speak to our children, befor they come of age, of the sins of our families. the sin that they will have to fight the hardest. now i don't know if it did as much for you, but for me, wow, double wow..

otherwise, we are doing.. some aspects of life are stressful, our businesses are very quite, and stuff still needs to get paid and happen.. also, our youth center is burning us alive from the inside out and we just can't wait anymore. but, once again, we find ourselves befor a whole bunch of red tape, and we get discouraged and demotivated. so pray, pray, that our attitude will stay one of praise and our hearts will be pure and holy befor the Lord.

there are so many evils in the world, we really do not have much more time.. we need to get out there, off our butts and get people saved. the time is running out and never as fast as right now.

i have been a little creative lately, just don't have photos to prove it.. i've made myself a calander, clock, thingy for my scrapbook room and i've fixed up a very boring handbag to be a funky rocking bag!! it's very cool. i know i keep on promising photos, but this time really. in good sun 2morrow, i'm taking photos and blogging them. of my art and my babes..

so till tomorrow..

Friday, January 05, 2007

happy new year

how long can it take to catch up lost sleep?? i have not eaven downlaoded the photo's of JJS on my computor.. will do it soon, promise. tonight were playing boardgames, tomorrow we're braaing on a game farm, monday school starts (by the way, i don't have a curriculum yet) and i feel wasted tired.
ok, so i'll type again soon, now i gotta go.
love wilna!! i really miss her again lately, so i just had to say that..
later me