Thursday, October 12, 2006


Yes, i know, you want some photo's, but you can't have it all.. my time is truelly not my own and at this stage, making time to blog, is all the time i can squeeze off. as i'm typing, i have a bunch of people sitting waiting for me, confident that i am working.. we are all going to watch Arch Bishop Ash, speaking about what happens between the Time God promises until it is Fullfilled.. so, we have a bunch here. and now, they are singing all kinds of wierd songs, about not making salad without tamatoes, and not having a life without friends, i agree with the second statement.
I had such a productive day, had breakfast with all our hairdressers, went to have my Limphatic System drained, visited a sick friend in a different town, and got some excersise, prayerwalking and still made good food for my family...
Yes, Chrystal, their is talk of anouther child.. It will be a boy child, and closer to the time i'll reveil his name..
Tonight Matyn has Junior Youth, so she and her friend are out and about.
We're going to Planet Shakers.. all i have to do is book, but my husband said we could go!! Jipee
Anyway, I love youz all.. so lots and lots. by the way, do you all know my friend Wilna, if you don't, go check her out..
May God's full joy, and His peace, that surpases all understanding, be with you, until we meet again..


Unknown said...

This is so cool. that teaching the AMAZING!!!
you can LINK!! WOW!! learning fast!
love you!

Unknown said...

HEY my friend!! Today is voting day!!