Sunday, October 29, 2006
hope you had a good weekend!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
An envelopes potensial..

quiet place to open my treasure.. on not being able to find one, i just open it right there in the queue. inside, is a Creating Keepsakes with Wilna's work in, aswell as the most stunning card. I find myself (in tears by now) running my fingers over the stiching, knowing her fingers were there, smelling it to see if i could still smell her on the card. with tears streaming down my face i go the the open counter to collect my other mail items.. then i make the biggest mistake of my day, i open the card.. inside is the most inspiring letter (just as we all know wilna) and a Basic Grey neclase, or charm or thingy, it is now around my neck!! bawling my eyes out, crying like a baby i go to my car. then painstakingly i read every word of her journaling on the page that was published.. so passionate, so real, so wilna. I remember how many times i looked at her work, always loved it, but i didn't always take the time to read it.. how i wish i could have those days back and do it over. to just know every thought, every emotion, every tear... how well you get to know wilna, if you read her work.
Thank you my sweet friend, i loved it, i love it, i love you.
Happy Birthday, Erika!!

like any other day, but today is ERIKA'S BIRTHDAY!!! Congratulations my friend, i hope it is a wonderful day and an even better year. Hope we see each other more and more. I trust God will reveil himself to you in a more amazing way than you have ever experiaced and that you will feel His love and tenderness.
all our love,
the demeyer clan
Monday, October 23, 2006
Come on father time!!!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Thursday, promise day

What's up!!!

Please keep praying for us, we need it.
Great love, me
Monday, October 16, 2006
I couldn't be prouder even if it was me!! Maybe if it was one of my kids, but not if it was me!!
Go check her out...
Love you wilna
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I had such a productive day, had breakfast with all our hairdressers, went to have my Limphatic System drained, visited a sick friend in a different town, and got some excersise, prayerwalking and still made good food for my family...
Yes, Chrystal, their is talk of anouther child.. It will be a boy child, and closer to the time i'll reveil his name..
Tonight Matyn has Junior Youth, so she and her friend are out and about.
We're going to Planet Shakers.. all i have to do is book, but my husband said we could go!! Jipee
Anyway, I love youz all.. so lots and lots. by the way, do you all know my friend Wilna, if you don't, go check her out..
May God's full joy, and His peace, that surpases all understanding, be with you, until we meet again..
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Hey, I gots tagged!!
1. I have an extremely high threshold for pain. Now i know some of you think that is a bonus, it is not, because of it i am able to pull out my toenails and live through the pain afterwards.. BAD habit.
2. I love bathstuff for gifts. I love the smell, the texture, the promise it holds of relaxation. Even if i don't get to relax every time I have a bath, the promise is still there. I am not crazy about bath salt and those litte oilball thingies. Love soaps and fizzyballs..
3. My greatest desire (up until 2 years ago, when my best friend moved to Canada, now visiting her is my greatest desire) is to go to Disney Land!! At 33 it is still a dream. to feel like a real kid again.. Love it
4. I wanted to be a opera singer. Yes, I did! Still do! Not really much i can say about that one, your either gonna understand and love it or not understand and think I'm a loon..
5. I am rather addicted to people! I love talking and helping them, i like them at all ages and in any walk of life. I would much rather talk and find out stuff about people than do just about anything else.
So, I'm full of stuff, got a few more, but your only obligated to read the first 5..
6. I am nervouse to speak in front of people. Yes, you don't beleive it, but it is true. I almost always have some or other stomach problem if i have to talk to a crowd..
7. I don't eat stew!! makes me think of the hostel and we never knew what went in there.
8. I love CSI!! Love it. and Survivor! Love that one 2.
Ok, i think i'm done, if any other weird stuff about me pop up, i'll let you know..
That was fun..
In our lives things are extremely hectic!! Yes, some things really never change.. Today was no exception, but after seeing Wilna's web again, I just remembered that I use to love it to. so, put my new address on your favourites list, I am gonna try to make it last this time!
Matyn is ravishingly beautiful! Can't beleive that she is almost a teenager, and it warms my heart to still see her playing outside in the sand with her brother, or throwing the ball in the air to see how many times she can catch it.. She is still only a little girl..
Dagan is getting so funny. last night in sel, he was trying to talk to Shawn, while Shawn was trying to talk to the cel, and he "shushed" Dagan. D then promptly sat on the floor and giggled, saying "Daddy is so funny" Trying to gain control of his ever changing household, Shawn said "it won't be funny when it's on your bumm!!" to which Dagan giggled again and said "Daddies funny, like a girl!" that of coarse got the whole sel in stiches.. You try and get serious after that again..
And you can thank my new blogsite to Tamar, who finaly got her FIRST toothy today!!! Hoerai for my little shoeky!! And she has had this whole household running up and down, as she does not get teeth as easily as the other 2 did!
I do hope child no 4 is gonna be a breeze..
Now, i'm gonna love and leave you,
but I'll be back