Friday, December 08, 2006

words you NEVER want to hear

I'm hoping that this will be the hardest blog i'll ever have to do. you see, it's already difficult to journal this event in our families life, and yet i know that God's grace and mercy is big and that He has kept myself and my family safe from all kinds of terrible things..
so, here goes. my little baby, you remember her, TAMAR, she is now 10 months old and has been diagnosed with Herpes Simplex. Yes, wilna, herpes. i thought i was gonna die. i freaked out, horrible thoughts went through my mind.. and then, when he could calm me down, the doctor asked me. Do you get fever blisters, does your husband? on both these questions, my answer was yes, only to hear, that then we too have Herpes..
but my poor little baby, she has it all over. her legs, arms face, torso and a nappy rash from hell.
i feel so sorry for her, but as there is no cure for herpes, she is on antibiotics for her infection and on Kortozone for the herpes. and other than that, we keep all her stuff seperate, put aquias cream on her and pray it will go away.. so, here is where you all come in.
i need all the old wifes tales, all the mothers advise as to building up her immune system, boosting her red or white cell goodies. anything you got will work.
everyone else is fine. oh, except me. picked myself up a bad case of flu. so my asma's got me not doing much and my 'poor little me, i'm sick attitude' has me doing even less.

OH yes, we saw the best movie last night. it's called RV and stars Robin Williams and then some. it was fantastic. watched it again this morning. my kids got to watch it with us, and i always love that.
anyway, got to get working again, always love chating with you

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