thank you thank you! you helped make my deepest dreams come true! we did it, we made the double didgets!
so, i know your just dieing to hear all about my weekend. it was just great. it was a very small and intimate camp, not counting the cooks, families, speakers and children, there were 10 woman there. if you include the befor mentioned list there was about 50!! just kidding.. it was very nice though. i think the ladies enjoyed it, i'm just trusting God, that His Spirit moved and I'm thankful that it did not depend on us to get the job done. we just had to be there and He did all the work. Shawn did some powerful worship, no suprise there. a lady gave her heart to the Lord, after she had been serving Him for so many years, we all picked up at least 3 kilo's, from Magriet's fabulous food, and we experianced God in a wonderful way in His nature. just so that you can stop worying, i did not cheat, and ate only GOOD food the weekend!
you wont beleive how our weekend ended though!! on the way out of Sabi, we hit a big rock sticking out of the road... you guessed it! Big damage! we hit the sumb (no idea how to spell that one!), for us girls who know nothing, it's the little oil holder bucket thingy in the botom of the car. we ended up having to leave our poor car right there in the Sabi! now, i have to do this, but if your english and don't understand Afr, your not gonna like this one, but ...
Daar staan my silver kar in die Sabi Sand met 'n gestampte sump! ha, ha, dink nou net as ons 'n sierra of so iets gery het!!
ok, enough Afr, i'm back in full swing! more excitement, we were sleeping friday night.. the power had gone off, it was very warm, so we opened the window! what we didn't think about, was the fact that we are afterall on a game farm.. so we woke up, a few hours later with a Hyina, sticking it's head through the window! i know what they look like on tv, thin scrawny things, let me tell you, they are so not! it is huge! scary so close up, but never the less, HUGE!
what a weeken hey!? will keep you up to date on the car stuff, pray that all works well.
love ya, miss ya
ps, guess what else, i have long nails! and today i put on a french manicure, i look so pretty! and yes you doubter, they are all mine and very real!
Wow, you saw a hyena in your window. That is so ah .. not sure what it is. I am so proud of your being good on your diet and your nails. I also have long nails this week, but sadly not my own. That is why i have them because the real ones are completely gone. Don't know why though, things are going great so no reason to eat them right to my elbows. Anyhow, have a great week. Lv ya
NAILS??? NAILS??? wow, ek moet dit sien!!! foto asb!!
en klein Ester is adorable
TAMAR is 'n klein SWEETIEPIE!!! wil haar sommer op eet!
SABI SAND!!! Bwwaaaaaahhhaaahahahaha!
ai, wens ek was daar.
watter silver kar het jy nou weer? die alfa?
heeltemal te lank laas met jou gepraat ;0
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