Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
20 min left

only 20min of my 8 year anniversary left, i thought i should give us a shout our be4 i get into bed..
i spent the last couple of hours, reading alot of Word, (love my new Bible!!) and wait for it, wait for it, doing scrapbooking! yes, wilna still inspires me, although she is so far away. also, i've been asked to do someones wedding photos, but think it will be good to first get a feel for it again, as i've not been able to scrap since SHE has not been around.
so tonight has been a wonderful time for me. oh, yes, on our anniversary, my husband took me out to a nifty 60's diner.. did i mention it was a leaders meeting at church! he's so lucky that they planned it 4 tonight, so now it doesn't have to cost him a cent..
you can pray for my little baby, as she is rather sick and i feel myself catching a bug of some sort aswell, so pray i get better soon.
very excited, as tomorrow i'm getting my copy of CARS and of Hoodwinked.. my kids are gonna flip, i can already hear Dagan screaming! you realise i will not be watching anything else for a while, so if my conversation tends to get boring, you now know why!
got to go to bed now, love you

Monday, November 13, 2006
Issue 2

hi there,
what a day was today! it rained almost all of the day and it was cold and wonderful.. hadn't had one of those in a while.. now, i knew Wilna had said she'll send something with her friend that is comming to SA, but last time i drove myself crazy, going to the post office every day, waiting, waiting, waiting.. so this time i didn't! i was very controlled! i only checked the mail every second day. and then with the car breaking, i forgot to take the post key off, so i skipped yet anouther day there. but today, today it was there!! I GOT MY PARCEL!!!
wow, what all was in there.. well, the most amazing CD! wilna is right about Leeland, they are amazing. that guys voice is just wow. Hesmari said it well, she said that she would like to go and stand on a mountain and through her arms out and listen to him singing all day. that picture worked for me aswell. i also gots meself some candy!! it is a hoot! it is dr Atkinson candy, it's ok for me to eat! jippee! i want to keep them all as long as i can.. like till... tomorrow!! i got fabolous scrapbook stuff. so exceptional. if i do a page with that, i'll have everyone amazed, 'cause no one has seen it befor!! great plan, wilna, we'll have everyone baffled!! i got my HALL OF FAME 2006! my own autographed copy and a Nov Keepsakes! Shawn and i looked at everything Wilna had made and she deserves her spot it the top 25, actually in the top 1!!
and so i've saved the best for last. i'll give you a clue, you can read this in there:

hi there,
what a day was today! it rained almost all of the day and it was cold and wonderful.. hadn't had one of those in a while.. now, i knew Wilna had said she'll send something with her friend that is comming to SA, but last time i drove myself crazy, going to the post office every day, waiting, waiting, waiting.. so this time i didn't! i was very controlled! i only checked the mail every second day. and then with the car breaking, i forgot to take the post key off, so i skipped yet anouther day there. but today, today it was there!! I GOT MY PARCEL!!!
wow, what all was in there.. well, the most amazing CD! wilna is right about Leeland, they are amazing. that guys voice is just wow. Hesmari said it well, she said that she would like to go and stand on a mountain and through her arms out and listen to him singing all day. that picture worked for me aswell. i also gots meself some candy!! it is a hoot! it is dr Atkinson candy, it's ok for me to eat! jippee! i want to keep them all as long as i can.. like till... tomorrow!! i got fabolous scrapbook stuff. so exceptional. if i do a page with that, i'll have everyone amazed, 'cause no one has seen it befor!! great plan, wilna, we'll have everyone baffled!! i got my HALL OF FAME 2006! my own autographed copy and a Nov Keepsakes! Shawn and i looked at everything Wilna had made and she deserves her spot it the top 25, actually in the top 1!!
and so i've saved the best for last. i'll give you a clue, you can read this in there:
on your feet now - applaud God!
Bring a gift of laughter,
sing yourselves into His presence.
Know this: God is God ad God, God!
He made us; we didn't make Him
we're His people, his well-tended sheep.
Enter with the password "thank you"
make yourselves at home, talking praise.
thank Himm, worship Him
for God is sheer beauty
all-generous in love
loyal always and ever
Psalm 100
if you guessed a small, exscisitly beautiful, leather bound, gold page trim, Genisis to Revelation, red ribbon place keeper, with note inside, pocket size, message bibel, well then you are RIGHT!
and it is beyond words. i love it i love it i love it! i have smelt it probably 100 times already and it only arrived today.
i am happy, happy, happpy..
all my love
ps, did i mention the chocolates?? i did, didn't i..
Blog 1 for 13 Nov!

yes, i have to number them, 'cause i just have so much to say and the two just don't do each other justice.. so i'll first blog about my weekend and then get to my marvelous day! although, on my blog you'll see no 2 above no 1, but i'll make you read 1 first, probably promise you chocalate or something!!
anyway, so the weekend we went to Hoedspruit to the youth year end thingy! it was radical! and by that i mean RADICAL! the youth are so hungry for God and so open for His presence! we enjoyed spending time with them, as always.. we had a wacky ice breaker, did it with a bunch of strange props... each team got some obscure thing that they had to figure out ideas with! it was such a hoot. them kids are funny kids, i likes them.
the worship was amazing, no big suprise there. Shawn and his team just have such a heart for worship! it is a breeze getting into the presence of God with them playing!! we were 21 people, so we didn't seem to fit in anyones house, so we all went to sleep on Daan and Stefanies game farm.. shame, poor us, do you feel sorry for us now?? we only got to see 5 Rhino and a herd of Kudu! some girafs and lots of impala!! Breakfast was the food of kings, coffee, rusks and Pronutro! you had your pick of chocolate or pink!
Sunday morning Shawn did the morning service at the church and we felt honoured and privilaged to be allowed to minister to their congregation. we really loved it! Shawn shined and i
was so proud of him. i think i might have blinded him with my flashing camara, you know how those cybershots can flash! But he was brilliant and i admire his courage and desperation for God's presence!
Then it was the long way home. we went with the bakkie, remember the car's still in the shop!! and i was driving, while like 8 guys, including Shawn slept on the back of the bakkie! now you can feel sorry for me, i was just as tired as all of them.
But the weekend was a great blessing, we enjoyed it and can't wait for the next oppertunaty to take the youth out.. still trusting for that transport issue, but we know God's busy with it..
all my love, watch out for issue 2 of what happened today!!!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
wow word
heard someting mind blowing yesterday.. the more i ponder on it, the more mind blowing it becomes.. don't know if you've ever heard of Nooma. it is a pastor of a realy big church, that makes these short little movies, that just make you sit back and think for days, about something that took him only 11 min or less to tell you.
well, for me it is day 2 of "dust", and i don't think it will be over soon. the crux of the message is that we have to be covered in the dust of our Rabi, Jesus. the deciples, of any Rabi, would walk behind him, and get covered by the dust of their Rabi.. see, already amazing. anyway, the storie goes on and he talks about Peter getting out of the boat, to walk to Jesus. now, all my life i beleived that Peter looked around him and saw the storm, took his eyes off Jesus and couldn't imagine that even God's own son could save him now.. well, in Nooma, he says it a bit differant. he talks of how Jesus was not the one sinking, it was Peter. so, whom did Peter loose faith in?
and the answer is himself!! he did not beleive he could be all his master meant for him to be.
isn't that so true. we often beleive God for big things, but deep down inside, we feel that we could never meet up to that standard and it is not really in us to do this thing.
so, we beleive in God, but do we beleive that God beleives in us?
well, for me it is day 2 of "dust", and i don't think it will be over soon. the crux of the message is that we have to be covered in the dust of our Rabi, Jesus. the deciples, of any Rabi, would walk behind him, and get covered by the dust of their Rabi.. see, already amazing. anyway, the storie goes on and he talks about Peter getting out of the boat, to walk to Jesus. now, all my life i beleived that Peter looked around him and saw the storm, took his eyes off Jesus and couldn't imagine that even God's own son could save him now.. well, in Nooma, he says it a bit differant. he talks of how Jesus was not the one sinking, it was Peter. so, whom did Peter loose faith in?
and the answer is himself!! he did not beleive he could be all his master meant for him to be.
isn't that so true. we often beleive God for big things, but deep down inside, we feel that we could never meet up to that standard and it is not really in us to do this thing.
so, we beleive in God, but do we beleive that God beleives in us?
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
to the faithful few!

thank you thank you! you helped make my deepest dreams come true! we did it, we made the double didgets!
so, i know your just dieing to hear all about my weekend. it was just great. it was a very small and intimate camp, not counting the cooks, families, speakers and children, there were 10 woman there. if you include the befor mentioned list there was about 50!! just kidding.. it was very nice though. i think the ladies enjoyed it, i'm just trusting God, that His Spirit moved and I'm thankful that it did not depend on us to get the job done. we just had to be there and He did all the work. Shawn did some powerful worship, no suprise there. a lady gave her heart to the Lord, after she had been serving Him for so many years, we all picked up at least 3 kilo's, from Magriet's fabulous food, and we experianced God in a wonderful way in His nature. just so that you can stop worying, i did not cheat, and ate only GOOD food the weekend!
you wont beleive how our weekend ended though!! on the way out of Sabi, we hit a big rock sticking out of the road... you guessed it! Big damage! we hit the sumb (no idea how to spell that one!), for us girls who know nothing, it's the little oil holder bucket thingy in the botom of the car. we ended up having to leave our poor car right there in the Sabi! now, i have to do this, but if your english and don't understand Afr, your not gonna like this one, but ...
Daar staan my silver kar in die Sabi Sand met 'n gestampte sump! ha, ha, dink nou net as ons 'n sierra of so iets gery het!!
ok, enough Afr, i'm back in full swing! more excitement, we were sleeping friday night.. the power had gone off, it was very warm, so we opened the window! what we didn't think about, was the fact that we are afterall on a game farm.. so we woke up, a few hours later with a Hyina, sticking it's head through the window! i know what they look like on tv, thin scrawny things, let me tell you, they are so not! it is huge! scary so close up, but never the less, HUGE!
what a weeken hey!? will keep you up to date on the car stuff, pray that all works well.
love ya, miss ya
ps, guess what else, i have long nails! and today i put on a french manicure, i look so pretty! and yes you doubter, they are all mine and very real!
Hesmari, your it!
Yes, my friend, i am doing it! Your tagged!
while we were walking today, we spoke about it and i realised that Hesmari is a rather exsiting woman. i just want to make sure everyone gets to know her better.
let me tell you one very interesting thing about her! Hesmari embraces discipline! she really thrives on it. just like a little human sponge! and i am very proud for the changes she has made in her own life, for what she has allowed God to do in her life and for what she has meant to me in the last 2 years! thank you 4 being there!
that means, you Hesmari have to tell us some extrodanary things about yourself!! anything, but at least 5 of them..
can't wait to see.
talk soon..
while we were walking today, we spoke about it and i realised that Hesmari is a rather exsiting woman. i just want to make sure everyone gets to know her better.
let me tell you one very interesting thing about her! Hesmari embraces discipline! she really thrives on it. just like a little human sponge! and i am very proud for the changes she has made in her own life, for what she has allowed God to do in her life and for what she has meant to me in the last 2 years! thank you 4 being there!
that means, you Hesmari have to tell us some extrodanary things about yourself!! anything, but at least 5 of them..
can't wait to see.
talk soon..
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
oh my goodness, i have been so blown away since last night.. yes, our girl did it! she did it! i am so impressed, in love and in awe of Wilna! a BIG shout out to her! we always knew it was her of coarse, but now the rest of the world also knows.
have you checked out her blog lately, on one day she had like almost 60 comments! what's up with that!! come on now, i'm sure we can also make it into the double didgets here..
just kidding, but do leave your name and a short, yet detailed message and i will get back to you as soon as i can, oops, sorry, that one's for my phone. this one is more of a like drop us a line, love to hear what you think of the site!!
anyway, in my valley all is nervous! i have to give a speech on a camp this weekend and true to form, God is leaving everything to the last min! i have done my part, my summary, my speech typed out, now all i need is insperation.. it is a Purpose Driven life camp, and i'm speaking on the forth purpose, being a servant (ministry)! i'm so nervous, it's sommer helping me loose wight, as my whole body is just rejecting any substances! i know, to much information.
I also made the final draft of our official proposal for the Youth Centre. (the small one in town, not big fancy one outside town) and even if i do say so myself, it looks good. i hinted plenty for stuff!!! and made sure everybody knows we have a serious transport problem,as none of the youth have cars available and have to get lifts to go every where! what a mission. so, we are really trusting and relying on God to come up with a small (32 seater) bus or something. we have so many ideas, but everytime we get stuck on the transport issue! you trust with us, ja!!
My husband, hot as he is, has been asked to speak at a church in Hoedspruit! how cool is that.
so he is feverantly working on a sermon! i'm so impressed. it's rather unfair though, God's already giving him plenty of ideas!!
Count down has started for Planet Shakers! jipee! once again that darn transport problem..
all the babies are healthy, i'm good and God is great, so no worries, mate!
ok, it is really late, as you can gather from my weird blabbering. gonna say good night, good morning, good day
Love ya tons
Maryna and Pashawn
have you checked out her blog lately, on one day she had like almost 60 comments! what's up with that!! come on now, i'm sure we can also make it into the double didgets here..
just kidding, but do leave your name and a short, yet detailed message and i will get back to you as soon as i can, oops, sorry, that one's for my phone. this one is more of a like drop us a line, love to hear what you think of the site!!
anyway, in my valley all is nervous! i have to give a speech on a camp this weekend and true to form, God is leaving everything to the last min! i have done my part, my summary, my speech typed out, now all i need is insperation.. it is a Purpose Driven life camp, and i'm speaking on the forth purpose, being a servant (ministry)! i'm so nervous, it's sommer helping me loose wight, as my whole body is just rejecting any substances! i know, to much information.
I also made the final draft of our official proposal for the Youth Centre. (the small one in town, not big fancy one outside town) and even if i do say so myself, it looks good. i hinted plenty for stuff!!! and made sure everybody knows we have a serious transport problem,as none of the youth have cars available and have to get lifts to go every where! what a mission. so, we are really trusting and relying on God to come up with a small (32 seater) bus or something. we have so many ideas, but everytime we get stuck on the transport issue! you trust with us, ja!!
My husband, hot as he is, has been asked to speak at a church in Hoedspruit! how cool is that.
so he is feverantly working on a sermon! i'm so impressed. it's rather unfair though, God's already giving him plenty of ideas!!
Count down has started for Planet Shakers! jipee! once again that darn transport problem..
all the babies are healthy, i'm good and God is great, so no worries, mate!
ok, it is really late, as you can gather from my weird blabbering. gonna say good night, good morning, good day
Love ya tons
Maryna and Pashawn
oh my goodness, i have been so blown away since last night.. yes, our girl did it! she did it! i am so impressed, in love and in awe of Wilna! a BIG shout out to her! we always knew it was her of coarse, but now the rest of the world also knows.
have you checked out her blog lately, on one day she had like almost 60 comments! what's up with that!! come on now, i'm sure we can also make it into the double didgets here..
just kidding, but do leave your name and a short, yet detailed message and i will get back to you as soon as i can, oops, sorry, that one's for my phone. this one is more of a like drop us a line, love to hear what you think of the site!!
anyway, in my valley all is nervous! i have to give a speech on a camp this weekend and true to form, God is leaving everything to the last min! i have done my part, my summary, my speech typed out, now all i need is insperation.. it is a Purpose Driven life camp, and i'm speaking on the forth purpose, being a servant (ministry)! i'm so nervous, it's sommer helping me loose wight, as my whole body is just rejecting any substances! i know, to much information.
I also made the final draft of our official proposal for the Youth Centre. (the small one in town, not big fancy one outside town) and even if i do say so myself, it looks good. i hinted plenty for stuff!!! and made sure everybody knows we have a serious transport problem,as none of the youth have cars available and have to get lifts to go every where! what a mission. so, we are really trusting and relying on God to come up with a small (32 seater) bus or something. we have so many ideas, but everytime we get stuck on the transport issue! you trust with us, ja!!
My husband, hot as he is, has been asked to speak at a church in Hoedspruit! how cool is that.
so he is feverantly working on a sermon! i'm so impressed. it's rather unfair though, God's already giving him plenty of ideas!!
Count down has started for Planet Shakers! jipee! once again that darn transport problem..
all the babies are healthy, i'm good and God is great, so no worries, mate!
ok, it is really late, as you can gather from my weird blabbering. gonna say good night, good morning, good day
Love ya tons
Maryna and Pashawn
have you checked out her blog lately, on one day she had like almost 60 comments! what's up with that!! come on now, i'm sure we can also make it into the double didgets here..
just kidding, but do leave your name and a short, yet detailed message and i will get back to you as soon as i can, oops, sorry, that one's for my phone. this one is more of a like drop us a line, love to hear what you think of the site!!
anyway, in my valley all is nervous! i have to give a speech on a camp this weekend and true to form, God is leaving everything to the last min! i have done my part, my summary, my speech typed out, now all i need is insperation.. it is a Purpose Driven life camp, and i'm speaking on the forth purpose, being a servant (ministry)! i'm so nervous, it's sommer helping me loose wight, as my whole body is just rejecting any substances! i know, to much information.
I also made the final draft of our official proposal for the Youth Centre. (the small one in town, not big fancy one outside town) and even if i do say so myself, it looks good. i hinted plenty for stuff!!! and made sure everybody knows we have a serious transport problem,as none of the youth have cars available and have to get lifts to go every where! what a mission. so, we are really trusting and relying on God to come up with a small (32 seater) bus or something. we have so many ideas, but everytime we get stuck on the transport issue! you trust with us, ja!!
My husband, hot as he is, has been asked to speak at a church in Hoedspruit! how cool is that.
so he is feverantly working on a sermon! i'm so impressed. it's rather unfair though, God's already giving him plenty of ideas!!
Count down has started for Planet Shakers! jipee! once again that darn transport problem..
all the babies are healthy, i'm good and God is great, so no worries, mate!
ok, it is really late, as you can gather from my weird blabbering. gonna say good night, good morning, good day
Love ya tons
Maryna and Pashawn
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